Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cut Out All Wheat Products


A Wisconsin Cardiologist, Dr. William Davis wrote a book on a nutrition change many of his patients made to get back to good health. His advice is quite simple, avoid all wheat products. He found that his patients that went on a wheat-free diet, lost weight and many other problems were cured such as insomnia, joint pain, skin rashes and diabetes. The reason why wheat was the cause of certain illnesses is not very simple. It has to do with the cross breading of wheat. When two types of wheat were bread together the product was not the same as the parent, 95% was but 5% was not connected to either parent. This is what causes the sensitivity in some people, Davis says. He also states that wheat is the leading cause of belly fat, and he linked wheat to “seizures, dementia and even brain damage”. Davis supports his theory with lots of research, yet many people still do not believe Davis’s theory.
I personally think that cutting out all wheat products from your diet is a very unreasonable request. For a person to follow this they would be cutting out a large amount of food options, which may cause them to not get the vitamins and minerals found in wheat products. For one to cut out all wheat products from their diet they would have to make extreme lifestyle changes. They would not be able to eat any cookies, cakes, pastries, bread, pasta, cereal and much more. It is asking a lot of a person to follow this, what Davis calls a “simple” task. I don’t think that in order to lose weight and be healthy it is necessary to cut out all wheat products. A reasonable alternative would be to monitor your wheat consumption and consume mainly whole grain wheat products. These provide protein, fiber and other vitamins and minerals. By removing all wheat products from ones diet they may rapidly improve their health, and lose weight yet they are decreasing their quality of life and freedom, which is be worth more than anything else.

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