Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sitting on a Story Blog

1)    The bench I have chosen is not a usual park bench.  The second we received this assignment I knew what bench I would use.  My bench is a sky blue wooden bench that does not look anything like the ordinary park bench.  There is no dedication, and there are no other benches nearby, it just stands alone in the corner between two cedar trees.  The bench very deep and the back extends far above your head.  I think it feels like it belongs on a porch of a beachfront house.  You are able to curl your kneed to your chest and have room for your feet to fit comfortably, or if you bring a blanket or towel, you can put it behind your back and sit lengthwise with your legs fully stretched.  I have visited this bench for a long time, at least 6 years.  I usually come on warm summer and spring days, and sit peacefully listening to birds and bees and enjoying the beauty of the surroundings.  I often sit here on this particular bench for hours and hours reading books, looking at the shapes the clouds make and enjoying the pure beauty of the garden, often not realizing the time has flown away.  I chose this bench because it is familiar to me, it has meaning to me and it is a place that I love spending time in. 

              2)   As I sit here and look around I am overlooking a beautiful garden.  Right now the flowers are not in bloom, but as spring rolls around tulips will start popping up, and in the summer all you will see is a sea of colour, of beautiful flowers and the leaves that accompany them.  But right now much of the garden is nearly bare; the only colours are green and brown from the trees, bushes and soil that occupy it.  As I sit here memories of past summers return.  I remember sitting here in the beautiful sunshine enjoying the peace and quiet.  It is only me and my thoughts out here and nothing else.  I have nobody pestering me to unload the dishwasher or clean my room, I am just here enjoying everything that surrounds me.  I would always leave my cell phone behind so it is truly just me and myself and I and the garden around me.  I feel a sense of calm, happiness and relaxation.  It is almost as if I am in another world and everything is perfect.  I am able to forget everything that is going on in my life and sit worry free and thought free.  I wish that everyday life was like this.  The world would be a much calmer place, people would not get angry and everyone would live happily.  Unfortunately this will never happen, people will always disagree and fight, and there will always be problems, troubles and worries, not matter what you do.  The world would not be able to function in a thought free and worry free environment.  However, the time I spend sitting here is my time of peace, it is the place when I can be in my perfect world, this is my dreamland.

            3)    If a bench were dedicated to me, I would like the bench to be in a quiet place, but not so quiet that no one would visit it.  I would like it to be an ordinary bench but I would want the arm rests on the side, to have a design and the body of the bench to be green.  I would want it to be a bench that people would be able to enjoy on a nice day, or be in a spot on a trail or pathway that would be useful for those who need a rest.  I would want the inscription to say, “live your life to the fullest and enjoy every moment” with my name at the bottom.  I would want that to be the inscription because I believe that people do not always live their life.  The more people are told, the more they will actually do it, and the world will be that much better.  I would want it to be a bench that I would sit on, and in a place that is memorable to me.

            4)    If I were to dedicate a bench, I would put it in a spot I know that individual would enjoy, and they would feel honored having a bench dedicated to them there.  The bench would be made to suit their personality and style.  I would make the inscription be a phrase that they would say or something they truly believed in.  I would want the bench to be quite personal because it is not a regular occurrence to have a bench dedicated to you.  I would want them to enjoy their bench and be proud of the accomplishments they made to enable them to have a bench.  
            5)    On my trip to the park, I walked a familiar path knowing exactly where I was headed.  I knew every bump in the road and where every crack lied.  It was quite cold outside and it wasn’t raining at the time but everything was damp from when it was raining a few hours previous to when I left.  The sky was a light grey colour and it was slowly growing darker as if it was going to rain again, and it was getting close to the sunset time.  After walking for about 20 minutes I reached my bench.  As I approached it I observed the garden, but in my mind I pictured it filled with flowers and bees and colour.  The bench was wet so I placed my rain jacket on the seat and sat down slowly.  I feel slightly from not remembering how deep the bench actually was.  I curled my knees to my chest mainly to keep warm, but almost always that is how I would sit.  Once I was seated and comfortable I looked at the garden how it actually was.  I looked at the fallen mushy leaves, the wet soil, the leafless trees and the barren garden.  It wasn’t the usual time I would come to sit here.  However sitting here made me miss the warm summer and spring days and it made me want to summer to arrive so much more.  I looked around at my surroundings remembering the books I had read while sitting there.  My bench time was cut short because it started to rain. At first it was just misting but it began raining very hard.   It became very dark, cold and wet so I walked quickly home.  During my walk I had many flashbacks of images of the garden and what I can’t wait it to look like.  Each year something is different, a new array of flowers, a new tree or freshly planted grass and I began to wonder what this year’s change would be.  My trip to the bench has made me excited for the summer and it has made me remember a part of my past.

6 & 7) The poem, A Brand New Day by Gladys M. Bonner suits how I look at everyday life and what I usually enjoy when I visit my bench.  When I sit on the bench it makes me remember life is wonderful.  The poem explains that at times it may be bad and there may be struggles but you always can get through them and enjoy the beauty of the day.  That is what occurs when I visit the bench, all of my problems go away and I enjoy the beauty of nature.  Every day is a new day and when you, “lift [your] head up to the sky”, remember and appreciate everything that you have.  There will always be moments when you are not sure where you are headed, “not sure of [your] confrontations”, but you must remember everything you have.  For me, taking a step away from the modern world helps clear my mind.  I separate myself from everything in my life whether it is good or bad and just enjoy what I am surrounded by.  You have to find an activity or a place that you find naturally beautiful, and enjoy that beauty, it helps you remember the beautiful parts of your life and the pieces that make you happy.  When you open your eyes keep in mind we are all in this world for a reason, enjoy your life and live it the way to want to.  Never question yourself, do what you believe is right and no matter what path it takes you on, in the end it will work out. 

A Brand New Day
© Gladys M. Bonner

When I wake early in the morning,
A brand new day I see,
I lift my head up to the sky,
And thank God for letting me be me.

Uncertain as to what the day will bring,
Don't know what lies ahead,
Not sure of my confrontations,
I ask God to guide me on the path Ill tread.

The birds sing their sweet, sweet song,
The bees hum their precious melody,
The wind blows where it wishes,
All coming together in perfect harmony.

Down on the ground the ants find their prey,
And the squirrel rambles from tree to tree,
The gopher finds its place in a hole,
And the rabbit roams aimlessly.

The beautiful lily blooms bright and fair,
The roses are red and pink and white,
The dandelions are ready for picking,
And the grass is green and full and bright.

How blue and beautiful the sky is above,
How lovely the stream and river and sea,
And each new day I open my eyes,
I thank God for letting me be me

8)    To some parks are useless, to some they are a greenery space and to some they are a place of gathering, a place you can come to too enjoy the outdoors.  In my opinion, I think parks are wonderful places.  When you are young you get so excited to go to the park and ride your bike, play on the play structures, run through the grass, you were free to do what you liked.  As you get older you may go to a park to hang out with friends, stop for a rest or walk through it to get to your final destination.  As an adult you may go to a park to get some time away from technology, take your child to play or go for a walk through nature.  Many parks are animal friendly as well, so many people visit parks to take their dog for a walk, which the dog would also enjoy.  Recently I heard a very touching story about a family who has a personal connection to the Grand Boulevard Park.  In the family of four, they have two small children, one girl and one boy who is autistic.  Every year on Christmas day the family would visit this special tree that a random Samaritan would decorate.   Ever since they discovered the tree they would visit it every Christmas and place a new ornament on it.  The park became part of their life, part of their tradition.  If the world consisted of no parks these special moments would never occur.   Parks bring joy to everyone, whether you have realized it or not, there is probably a park in which you associate a memory with.  If there were no beautiful parks in our universe the world would be a very plain, boring place. 

9)    Bench

I walk along the road, on a path I have travelled many times before, I walk quickly in the
      cold                                                                                                     anticipating
       the                                                                                                             rain
        to                                                                                                              fall
      softly                                                                                                         upon
        my                                                                                                           golden
      locks                                                                                                          here
   I stand overlooking the gloom of what usually is a beautiful garden, memories begin                
      flooding my mind.  I feel happy, content; nothing can go wrong I am safe here
         I lay my jacket down and sit down slowly, lowing myself and observing
            everything around me.  The flowers and nonexistent and the trees
                 are limp, they are waiting for the sun to shine, so they can
     grow                                                                                                           taller
     and           taller                                                                           the           rain
   begins           to                                                                             fall          gently.
     I               can’t                                                                          wait           for
   the                                                                                                             warmth
    of                                                                                                              summer

Saturday, December 10, 2011

BC Students Receive Blank Report Cards


As the labor dispute between the British Columbia teachers and the province continues some BC students may be going home with blank report cards. Teachers are refusing to write report cards but the province is reassuring parent s that they are still able to know how their children are doing in school. Parents can be in contact with teachers through email, and phone calls and other means of communication.

Some say that report cards are not an accurate way of documenting a student’s progress. Report cards are distributed three times a year; an appropriate way to document how a student is doing would be a “regularly updated website with milestones, attendance, performance” etc. If teachers are still communicating with parents and the students are aware how they are doing in class, there may be no need for report cards.

Personally, I think that report cards are an assurance that you are doing well or not. They can be a wake-up-call for some, or a bit of confidence that your hard work is paying off. I think especially for grade 12 students, report cards are absolutely needed. The marks on the report card are used for post-secondary applications and scholarship applications. For primary students the idea of a website with the students’ performance is a good idea but report cards should be mandatory for the senior grade of high school.

H&M's human heads on computer-generated models: the new beauty ideal?

         The clothing store H&M is getting lots of heat for using cyborg bodies on their website to display their clothing products. It was discovered after one of H&M’s representatives told a Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet. The process for creating the cyborg bodies is “[they] take pictures of the clothes on a doll that stands in the shop, and then create the human appearance with a program on [a] computer" Hacan Andersson stated. The result of this is getting mixed emotions and opinions. Every model has the same long skinny legs, perfectly shaped arms and doll like hands. People in the fashion industry say that this is used quite often and is completely normal, yet people who are not, feel very strongly that this is not right. Critics are saying that cyborg bodies are no worse than photoshopped bodies. A Ralph Lauren model, Filippa Hamilton was photoshopped so much that her hips were smaller than her head. Some say that if H&M is going to have virtual bodies, why not top it off with a virtual head to show it is not real. Many believe having cyborg and photoshopped bodies “set unrealistic and unhealthy ideals for women”. The bodies should be real so women don’t hope that they look like something that isn’t actually real. Academics have been pushing for a “Self-Esteem Act”. This bill would make companies have to state if the model is real or not or if the body has been photoshopped.

         I believe that all companies should use real human bodies and not Photoshop the images. H&M defended themselves by saying that their “clothes look better on cyborg models than actual humans”. If this is actually true then how do they expect real people to fit in their clothes if models can’t? The media is so bad already at portraying this perfect body that not many people have and people do drastic things to look like models in the media. For these individuals to find out that the “ideal” body they want isn’t real is horrible. The media should portray real women, not fake ones. Their goal and mission should be to show real beauty not the beauty they wish they had. I agree with the “Self-Esteem Act”, if companies are going to use fake bodies or change the shape of real models they should have to say directly what they have done. Clothing companies such as H&M should find models that relate to the clients that will be wearing their products, real humans perhaps!

Would you Kill One Person to Let Five Live?


      A study conducted by The University of Michigan revealed that most people would kill one person in order to save five others. The situation used in the study is the classic “trolley problem”; it is a classic dilemma in moral philosophy. The basic outline is a trolley goes out of control and is headed towards five people tied to the tracks. You are operating the train and have the choice to let the train continue on its path or pull the lever which puts it on a path where a single person is tied down, what path do you choose. “Study participants were put in a three-dimensional simulator that put them behind the wheel” about ninety percent chose to pull the lever. This experiment has been performed before yet this time it was published in the journal of emotion, which is a first for the dilemma. The participants had sensors attached to their fingertips to monitor emotional arousal. 133 out of 147 participants pulled the leaver which leaves fourteen that did not. Of them, three pulled the leaver to begin with and then put it back to its original position. The individuals that chose not to pull the leaver were found to be more emotionally aroused and were found to not pull the switch possibly because of their heightened anxiety of the situation. Dr. Navarrete concluded, “By rational thinking we can sometimes override it – by thinking about the people we will save, for example. But for some people, that increase in anxiety may be so overpowering that they don’t make the utilitarian choice, the choice for the greater good.” What would you do, pull the leaver or leave it? 

When I first think of the situation, would I pull the leaver or leave it I would say that I would pull it. However if you have the time to think about decisions you have to make you would probably do many things differently. For me it is easy to understand why some of the participants in the study didn’t pull the leaver. When you are under that much stress and pressure it is difficult to make decisions, but most people react impulsively and would pull the switch without even think about it. There is a part of our brains called the amygdala that is underneath the prefrontal cortex. When you encounter a situation of extreme stress the pre-frontal cortex flips up and your amygdala takes charge. It is able to make decisions without thinking about them, natural reactions. This is why most people in the situation would pull the leaver. The individuals that didn’t pull the leaver were very nervous and had very high anxiety. It is easy to say what you would do ahead of time but in the actual situation your actions are often different.

Cops Watched Porn, Skipped Work Instead of Investigating Missing Woman: Galliford


          Former RCMP officer Catherine Galliford will be testifying on Tuesday November 29th and knows her evidence will be explosive; she is not testifying for the RCMP but on behalf of the victims. She was the face and professional voice of the Missing Woman Task Force for the RCMP and while working for the RCMP she encountered mind boggling evidence. In 1999 the RCMP had enough evidence for a search warrant of serial killer, Robert Pickton’s Farm. From 1999 to 2002, 14 women were brutally murdered by Pickton, it is this fact that haunts Galliford. She will testify that both RCMP officers and VPD officers were involved in sexual behaviors in the workplace even after they were informed they continued to leave work early to go partying and drinking and watch porn. Galliford now suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome and has been out of work for over 4 years. She said while working for the NVPD she was constantly sexually harassed and bullied. Galliford says the most chilling thing that happened to her was after the details came out about how Pickton killed his victims. They were butchered and their remains were scattered about his farm and an east Vancouver rendering plant, a group of RCMP members were constantly “making jokes about sex toys” and “fist bumping”. The officers allegedly wanted to tell Galliford “their fantasy”. Also “They wanted to see Willie Pickton escape from prison, track me down and strip me naked, string me up on a meat hook and gut me like a pig” said Galliford. She states that there were many officers who were disgusted by this behavior as well, and unfortunately they didn’t last either. According to Lilliane Beaudoin, whose sister, Dianne Rock was held hostage, beaten and raped twice before Pickton murdered her in October 2001, predicts that Galliford “is going to blow this inquiry wide open.” The information Galliford is revealing has never been shared before and it is filling in some of the gaps that would never be filled by the RCMP.

My first thought when I read this article was shock. I never thought that anything like this would happen in real life; it seemed as if it was a television show script. I have always thought of police officers as good responsible people who try to set good examples for the public, but after reading this it makes you think twice. It was understandable that Galliford has been off work for so long, having to deal with rude, sexist people all the time really would bring you down. Also, having so much stress on her, knowing the fact that 14 women’s lives could have been saved just sends shivers down my spine. I feel so sorry for the families of the victims killed by Pickton. Knowing that the police officers responsible of their cases would joke about them and be involved in inappropriate behaviors in the workplace probably makes them sick. I am thankful that there are people like Galliford in our world that will go against the police because many don’t. We need more people to tell the truth and inform the public about what these so called “role models” actually do at work. I hope the inquiry is as shocked as I was when I read the news and that people are punished and things will change in our police force.

JK Rowling Tells Leveson Inquiry of Press Intrusion


       JK Rowling tells an inquiry into media ethics and the media intrusion on her personal life. Rowling stated that a reporter tried to contact her by slipping a letter in her daughters backpack. She found the letter while looking through the various papers a parent would find in their child’s backpack. Rowling stated that "I felt such a sense of invasion that my daughter's bag... it's very difficult to say how angry I felt that my five-year-old daughter's school was no longer a place of complete security from journalists." Rowling discussed that children are not able to choose their parents or the families they come from, people should respect the children’s privacy no matter who their parents are. This is not the only incident that has occurred. Ms. Millmer admitted to blaming her friends and family when personal information appeared in the press, when truly her phone had been hacked. Another person, Mr. Mosley claimed that his son was unable to cope when pictures were released of him at a sadomasochistic orgy and he turned to drugs and sadly passed away. Mr. Mosley received £60 000 from The News of the World when a judge ruled that his privacy had been invaded when the story of his sex life was released. The level of intrusion of the media is unbelievable. Rowling said in an instance she had recently moved and she received a phone call and the person claimed to be from the post office and were asking for her to confirm her address. She told them that if they were from the post office they would already have her address and hung up. There is a police investigation occurring and there may be a second inquiry following it they will examine the damage done and extent of unlawful conduct by the press.

        The first time I heard of problems with the press in Britain was when a girl was missing and the press hacked into her cellphone and deleted messages making the family think that she was still alive. It is unbelievable what the press is capable of getting away with and the damage they do to families. For Mr.Mosely, the releasing of the photos lead to the death of his son, he could not cope with it and began taking drugs. JK Rowling covers her children in blankets when they go out publically to protect her children from the paparazzi. And Ms.Miller lost friendships when blaming the people close to her for exposing her personal information. The press is ruining and damaging people’s lives drastically. The press should not be able to take pictures of whoever they want and receive any information that they want. In my opinion anyone who is personally violated by the press should receive compensation, and a direct apology. It is not fair for these people to change the way they live their lives due to worry of what the press may find out about them.

Wrong Twin Fetus Aborted in Australia


          At a hospital in Melbourne Australia, a staff member accidentally terminated a healthy fetus instead of its twin that was suffering from heart defects and would not have survived the birth. The mother was thirty-two weeks into her pregnancy and was asked to have the unhealthy fetus terminated by her doctor. After the accident was discovered the woman underwent a cesarean section to abort the remaining fetus. The hospital immediately released a statement that “a distressing clinical accident occurred” and they apologized for “the loss suffered by the woman and her family.” The family is most likely going to receive compensation for the accident. The state premier, Ted Baillieu, stated “There’s no question that this is an incident that everyone would have preferred had not occurred” and he didn’t want anyone to draw any conclusions of the incident. The family gave a brief statement to BBC asking for privacy through the difficult time. 

        When I first read this story I was shocked, and wondered how an accident like this could occur. It was very saddening and I have much gratitude for the family. It would be tragedy enough learning that one of your children’s lives has to be terminated because of a heart defect. Then the worst possible outcome occurs and the healthy child is killed by accident. Coping with a tragedy like this would be very difficult and it is understandable how the family would want privacy. For a mistake like this to occur there must have been an error in the write up, or an equipment error. You hope for mistakes such as this to not happen but unfortunately they do. The world is not perfect, mistakes happen and we learn from them. Hopefully the cause of the accident is determined and the issue is fixed so no other family will have to experience the pain that this family did.